Army Outlook

Army Outlook

What’s New in Army Outlook 2010?Army Outlook

You can subscribe to Army Outlook for free, or you can choose to sign up for a more detailed subscription that includes information on major CAF defence projects. Either way, you’ll be glad you did. And don’t forget to sign up for Army Quad Charts to stay up-to-date on CAF defence projects. These are complementary to your Army Outlook registration. And don’t forget to check out the latest news and tips for military email.

DoD Enterprise Email

The Defense Department has announced the deployment of DOD Enterprise Email for army outlook users. The new cloud-based email system eliminates the need for individual command and unit email servers. Users of the system will access their email through a searchable database that contains all 4.5 million Common Access Card holders. The new solution will save approximately $150 million annually. The transition will be completed by November 2022. To learn more about this new email system, see the FAQs below.

The enterprise email service uses Microsoft Exchange Server as its backend system. Users of DEE can access their email through Outlook web access or local desktop email. This email service requires a CAC-enabled workstation to be used. The basic service provides up to 512 MB of space for email while business class offers 4 GB of space. Messages can be up to 20 MB in size. Users can also use Outlook Anywhere to recover permanently deleted items and store them for up to 14 days. Calendars can be shared with other DEE users.

The new email service replaces the current AKO and CAC email systems. It is designed to improve operational efficiency and facilitate collaboration across organizational functions. The DISA Enterprise Collaboration Management User FAQ can help users resolve common issues. You can also visit the DoD Enterprise Email FAQ Page for more information on the new email service. There are several other reasons why army users should use the service. In addition to security, the service enables better collaboration among virtual groups.


Using OWA in the army is easy, and this version of the email application is free of charge for army users. As a bonus, OWA also comes with many additional features. Among them are a powerful search feature, and the ability to save favorite searches for future use. Advanced filters can also be applied to folders and inbox messages. Furthermore, a feature called “Recover Deleted Items” allows you to regain access to deleted messages and folders. You can also use an archive mailbox, which is an additional mailbox for archiving data. You can access this mailbox through Outlook 2010 if you have this permission.

OWA offers advanced functionality, including the ability to join contacts with similar names and setting priorities and percentage completion. You can also use advanced tools to create task lists, set deadlines, and add bullet points. In addition to the advanced functionality, Outlook on the web also includes a People feature. This tool helps you find contacts based on their names or email addresses, and create tasks by assigning a priority to each. The Task List feature is also an excellent addition to this application. You can even create a new task in a new window if you want to.


There are several options available for people who want to retire from the Army through IRR. Most people choose this option when they have completed a minimum period of service, such as four years. Those who join after West Point will have a five-year active duty commitment. Then, they will go into IRR for three years. Once they reach their five-year active duty commitment, they will have to decide whether to stay in IRR or to leave.

IRR soldiers must keep their uniforms and military identification cards, and must notify their service branch of any change in address or personal status. They will be screened for medical and personal issues and must present a case to mobilization authorities if they want to become exempt. They must also provide their civilian employer’s information yearly. The Army has a list of IRR soldiers, and this is updated regularly. It is important to keep your current information up to date, including your address, telephone number, and email address.

While some service members stay in the IRR voluntarily, others are recalled when needed, particularly during emergencies. The IRR is separate from stop-loss orders. While stop-loss orders are completely legal in the military, they have faced some criticism by certain groups and politicians. This is not an ideal situation for anyone, but it is the reality for many. For the Army, IRR is essential. It allows the army to have additional manpower in case of emergencies.


While the Army is currently moving to enterprise e-mail, many service members are hesitant to give up their beloved Blackberry. In order to use enterprise e-mail, the Army uses a system called Army Knowledge Online (AKO), which is delivered via IMAP email retrieval. This method is compatible with most cell phones, including iPhones and Android devices. A blackberry, however, will not be able to read AKO email unless the user enters his or her email address and password.

The BlackBerry helped create the “always on” culture, where emailing is the main means of communication. The BlackBerry helped usher in the mobile workforce and made remote work possible. Today, employees and federal workers still rely on this technology to stay connected and productive while on the go. The Blackberry has changed how we work, as well. Not only is it secure, it’s easy to use and is an ideal choice for mobile workers.

HQDA staff

With the introduction of army outlook, HQDA staff are no longer limited by physical folders on their desks. Instead, they will access virtual action summary sheets in their computers and network. The new task management system will enable senior leaders to query the status of documents at any time. The new system is expected to be fully operational in June. Below are a few benefits of using army outlook. All HQDA staff members should make the most of it.

Rest of the Army

The outlook for the remainder of the Army is not all bad news. There are several factors that could affect its performance. The military’s professionalization program has been in place for several years, but it is coming to a close. This process is characterized by ageing and a declining number of younger recruits. Given the economic crisis, massive renewal of the military is unlikely. The results of this process will likely be a further reduction of the force, and a progressive aging of the workforce. Moreover, military personnel have to be physically fit to perform their combatant functions. In addition, they can’t be older than 45 years old.